Hello to any of you who actually read these and welcome to my top tips to finish off the holiday season strong! It has been a minute, I know!
Many of you are asking how to get through these last holiday events without completing falling off. The tips I will share to finish off the Holiday season strong may sound trivial but do not underestimate the power of having the essentials down. Nothing else will work if you’ve not yet gotten the foundational principles to health working, and working well!
Here are my top wellness tips to maintain your health and finish off the holiday season strong:
1. Hydrate: Hydrate, hydrate, and hydrate.
Drinking plenty of water supports our body’s natural detoxification process which is always welcome after large meals, when we are likely dehydrated and overfed. Getting yourself hydrated on a cellular level is necessary for optimal functioning and clearing out of any excess metabolic waste this week. Have some fun with your waters – add cucumbers, berries, or even better- fresh lemon or lime, nature’s perfect electrolytes. By simply adding a squeeze of lemon or lime you change the structure of the water and increase its hydration effect! Coconut water is a great option too. As a rule of thumb most adults should aim for at least eight 8 oz. glasses of water per day. Stay away from common sports drinks which usually contain harmful artificial flavors, artificial colors, and/or preservatives.
2. Eat Nutritious Foods: (When home or having a break from family gatherings)
Keep it simple. Aim for 75% of your plate to consist of a “rainbow” of vegetables, grains, legumes, fruits, anything that grows in the
earth. These foods are high in fiber and antioxidants and are exactly what we are looking for when it comes to staying on track and detoxing the body. Even though we think mostly of warming, cozy soups in winter, don’t underestimate the power of living raw foods (like my simple leafy greens salad) in between heavy meals. Think fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouts. These will aid in the hydration we were just talking about above, and detoxification. They can and will work wonders in your life to get you back on track! Do your best to limit consumption of refined or processed foods.
3. Plan Ahead for Next Week:
It can be difficult to squeeze healthy habits into an already busy routine (especially around the holidays) but planning ahead not only saves you time but also saves you money. When we aren’t prepared we tend to make poor, last minute food choices. Take the time to plan your meals ahead for the week. Write down what you’ll eat for each day. This can be done through a combination of preparing food ahead for meals that will be consumed over the coming days and incorporating some good quality pre-made meals from delivery services or a local mom & pop grocery store with a homemade prepared section. Doubling recipes and eating leftovers for lunch helps. Make sure you stock up on lemons or your healthy fruit of choice for your daily water intake! Having everything on hand before the week gets going is essential to your success! Planning healthy meals ahead can make the world of difference.
These are a few simple ways you can maintain your health during this final stretch of the holiday season. You may also consider: (i) an earlier than usual bedtime for rest and digestion, (ii) practicing mindful eating to avoid overeating; or (iii) beginning a simple workout routine by adding 10 minutes of intentional movement daily. Lastly, when it’s all said and done, don’t dwell on your festive indulgences over the holidays. Enjoy the memories and move forward in health! The body has a beautiful way of returning to homeostasis, you just need to provide it with the right tools.
Happy Holidays!